internationale projecten leerlingen

Student Exchange between Lycée Livet in Nantes and Lycée Spinoza

Within the framework of a new student exchange between the Livet high school and the Spinoza high school in Amsterdam, 19 Dutch high school students came to Nantes from May 13th to 17th , 2023 to meet their French exchange students. The theme this year was sustainable development. They took part in a workshop on the Climate Fresk, which allows participants to understand the causes and consequences of climate change and its link with human activities. In addition, they took an eco-responsible tour of downtown Nantes and Trentemoult by bicycle. They also visited the high school and participated in several classes. The second part of this exchange will take place from May 9th to 15th 2023 in Amsterdam for 19 French 11th grade students in the European section.

Andere Erasmus+ uitwisselingen tussen het Spinoza Lyceum en:

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